We Constantly Renew Our Commitment to Innovation and Sustainability

The future is bright indeed! Our 2014 evolution from Nature Pack to Nature Bio created a unified, streamlined organization and solidified our reputation as a leading biopolymer manufacturer along the way. The move bolstered our ability to establish new business relationships and build opportunities nationally and internationally. And today we are fulfilling the promise to bring truly meaningful change to the ways plastic products are manufactured.

Riding the Wave of Market Demand

Forward-looking legislative action has been taken against single-use petrochemical plastics in the European and internationally. As a result, Nature Bio has stepped up to offer biodegradable and compostable alternatives. Our biopolymer resins can be used to make countless compostable and biodegradable products.

At the same time, we are expanding our R&D operations. The goal is to develop new custom formulations of marine biodegradable and home compostable bioplastics, along with an array of other biopolymers designed to meet varying demands for strength and durability.

In packaging, Nature Bio leads the way in replacing nondegradable materials with biopolymer films and glues, extrusion coatings, injection molding, thermoforming and extrusion lamination. Demand is expected to grow substantially over the next two decades.

Securing Our Place as an Innovator

Nature Bio remains at the forefront of the biotech industry as an affordable, premium biopolymer supplier able to meet increasing global demand. As a leader in the field, we continue to control, develop and integrate every step in the sourcing and manufacturing of biopolymers, a process that results in our customized marine biodegradable/home compostable biopolymers.

Building Up, Branching Out

Our expanding capacities and combined revenue streams will allow Nature Bio to move forward profitably, fulfilling the promise of creating breakthrough biopolymers at a global level.


Grow with Nature Bio!

Does your company manufacture products or packaging? Please contact Nature Bio today to find out more about how our biopolymer resins, R&D services, and toll-manufacturing facilities can fulfill your requirements.